Friday, October 10, 2014

A breakfast date that turned philosophical... and some randomness.

There are so many differences in the world. Each and everyone of them has its own perfect place and value. I was reflecting on this one day while talking to Peter. We were out on a rare breakfast date (thanks to my generous mom!) at our favorite little diner, and inevitably, we began talking about our kids. I was updating him about our homeschooling and we were commenting on each of the kids, and what is going on in their lives. The conversation turned toward the larger perspective of the differences and gifts of each person God has created. We notice it in our own children. Each of them is so different from his or her siblings. Everyone always comments on how similar our kids look. "They all look exactly the same!" they say. And they do look a lot alike! I love comparing those new babies and noticing how Stella and Joey have the same big dark eyes, or how they all have the same black head of hair when they are born, or how Noah is Peter's mini-me, but has the same perfect little rose bud mouth as his big sisters do. Zeke and Gianna are so similar in temperament and have the same huge and infectious smile, and Dominic and Noah have the same relaxed nature, and easy going personalities. I love seeing the similarities, but as they are growing and changing, I am appreciating their differences even more. They each bring such a joy and dynamic to our family in different ways. This, of course, is true with any family and within the family of God. We are all made up of His body and have our God given personalities and gifts that add to the richness of His Body, the Church. How boring and bland the world would be if everyone was the same! You've heard that before, I am sure, but it is no less true to say it again. God must love creating souls. It is a new creation every time. I am sure that would never get boring! Its easy to fall into thinking that one personality is better than the others, or one gift more useful and important. But that could not be further from the truth. Each and every person brings to the world a different angle, facet, perspective, that without it, would be a great loss to humanity and the Church. I see that, even within the little world of my own children.
I love reflecting on the lives of the Saints. They are all so incredibly different! As tempting as it may be at times, we should never want to be different persons, just better versions of ourselves. As a parent, I think that we are called to help guide our children towards being the best versions of who God created them to be. The Saints are examples to me of how different we can be, while still within the perfectly designed plan of God. I think this touches on one of the main issues with abortion. Its not so much that the person to cure cancer may have been, or could be aborted, though that is certainly a valid argument against abortion too, but its even more the fact that even the smallest souls have incredibly great value in and of themselves, and also in the vastly larger picture of eternity.