Friday, June 2, 2017

To be Pro Life

What does it actually mean to be Pro life? There seems to be confusion in the media on this topic and I have heard it from people in closer circles as well. I have heard it coined: "pro birth"; that pro lifers are only interested in babies being born and then have no concern for their quality of life, or anyone else's. I honestly do not understand where this ridiculous idea comes from because I know a great number of pro life people, and not a single one of them views it this way. 
I know people who dedicate their lives to fostering and adopting children; who become missionaries in other countries; who give generously of their money and self to serve and protect those in need, both born and unborn; who lovingly and generously have and raise families; who visit the sick and imprisoned; who set up and fund homes that take in and help mothers who cannot care for their children...this is what it means to be pro life. It means to know and value the inherent dignity of each human being, born or unborn; young, or old; healthy or sick. And often, it means to stand up for those who are most innocent and most in need of protection. The reason the pro life movement exists and takes special care to defend the unborn is because the unborn are the group that are most undervalued, not because they are the only ones who matter. All lives matter. And they matter at whatever stage of life they are in. Should I assume that if someone says he is for the group Black Lives Matter, that therefore, he doesn't place the same value on the lives of people who are not black? No. It is obvious that he is simply taking a stand for a group of people who is being undervalued. It is the same with the pro life movement. The most largely killed group of people, is that of the unborn; the most defenseless among us; those without a choice or a voice.  And that is why the goal of the pro life movement is to be their voice. 
But to be pro life doesn't just mean to value all stages of life, but to value each individual as well. 
To be pro life means to use our minds to pray for others, instead of judge them; to use our words to comfort others, instead of condemn them; to use our hands to protect others, instead of hurt them; to use our arms to welcome others, instead of push them away; to use our feet to walk with others, instead of running away from them.
The pro life movement is an organization that gives a voice to the voiceless, and unfortunately, because the unborn are so incredibly undervalued, it is an imperatively needed group; but to be pro life means ever so much more. It is so much more than an organization, or a platform, or a political stance; it is a way of living, that sees and responds to the inherent God given dignity that each human being possesses, both in large scale ways, and the small everyday ones too.  

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