I was going through old photos and came across a bunch, which inspired me to think a bit about time. I know these pictures are, of course, much more endearing to me than anyone reading this, but if you would like to take the time, please allow me to share some of the photos that are bringing warmth to my heart and a smile to my face today...
This smiley baby is Dominic around a year old. He is now my 10 year old!
This is Stella at 10 months. Always such a beauty with such big, beautiful eyes!.
This is Dominic with Peter. He was such a butterball back then...Dominic, I mean. Not Peter ;)
This little doll is Ezekiel, who now only refers to himself as "Big Boy".
This is our "little" family on our first and only family plane trip.
My Stella baby at around 8 months.
Noah baby at 3 months.
Dancing Dominic at 5 years old.
Princess Stella around 4.
Stella, growing up.
I just love seeing the new baby get so much love from older siblings. The baby here is Noah.
My love and I.
The three little animals. As you can see, it has always been a regular zoo at our house!
When there were only 4.
Fishing off of mama and papa's bed. Always trying to find ways to amuse ourselves around here ;)
And this little beauty is Gianna...probably around a year old.
Joseph... his face has always been mostly just eyes.
Dominic at about 10 months. Always a happy guy ;)
Gianna and her perfect smile. She was 10 months here.
This is a favorite of mine. Dominic insisted on covering newborn Gianna's eyes from the flash of the camera. He has always been the sweetest boy ever.
I will always think of my Gianna like this. ADORABLE PRINCESS!!! So much personality in this tiny and beautiful little person.
Gianna at 8 months.
Another favorite picture. Stella at about a year. She thinks she knows what she is doing. So much "sass" in this picture!
Bright eyes (Gianna) around 3.
Smiley and beautiful Noah...maybe our easiest going baby yet!
Another favorite picture...this is Joseph at 2 months with his gorgeous and enormous eyes. Those eyes still have the power to completely melt me ;)
A great photo from Ezekiel's baptism.
So much expression from Zeke, even from day one!
Some of my favorite moments, by far, are watching my older kids fall in love with their new baby siblings. Precious. (Noah and Gianna pictured here)
And finally, the picture that started this whole journey off. Peter and me on our wedding day. We had no idea the gifts God would hand to us. Thanks be to God!!!
Looking back at older pictures of my family brings back so many happy, delightful, and hilarious memories, and just makes me that much more excited to meet our new little baby :) But I will not wish this current time away. Time moves too quickly for that.
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