Saturday, May 31, 2014

Daily devotionals and a longing for simplicity

My wonderful friend recommended a book called "Jesus Calling", by Sarah Young. I immediately ordered it from Amazon because her suggestions are pretty much always spot on for me :)

Anyways, I had been looking for a more concise form of morning prayer to do with my kids. I tend to be flighty in my attempts at regular prayer, especially when it comes to regular morning prayer while trying to include my kids. Often, by the time I actually get myself out of bed, change diapers, clean up the inevitable mess of cereal all over the floor, and gather all the children into one room, I have lost my motivation and inspiration to have an actual prayer time.  Plus, by that time, I have probably given myself 10 reasons to go to confession and so I am feeling a bit hypocritical as I yell at my kids to "just be quiet so we can start prayer time already!!!" Yeah, you get the idea. I knew that I needed to get things together so I could start the day out right with my kids.

I had thought this devotional, which is written for children, would be easy and nice for my kids, but what I didn't see coming is that it has been particularly inspirational for me, as well. It is beautifully simple and easy to understand. I love simple. I cannot express how much I love simple. Simplicity touches my soul deeply. You wouldn't know it if you saw the state of my house (or the state of my mind, for that matter), but I long for and crave simplicity. This devotional speaks to me right where I am. It uses simple language and easy to picture imagery. It also gives wonderful, yet short insights, and a couple of short and meaningful Scripture verses. The whole thing takes about 5 minutes to read. I don't mean to harp on the simplicity/shortness of it. To me, the simplicity is what makes it beautiful. While the words and ideas are simple, it allows me to focus on the meaning that can be drawn from them, which are long lasting, often sticking with me for days.

I suppose my draw to simplicity makes a lot of sense. Jesus speaks often of simplicity in Scripture, which means that it must be an important component of our humanity and faith life. Also, my constant longing for it must mean that I don't have enough of it in my life. I think a lot about how to simplify life with 6 kids. It is an art for sure, which I am not particularly good at. Much of it probably can be done by having less stuff around, and also with having less to do. There are of course the normal demands of life that can't be gotten rid of, but much of what we do and have, could be minimized. God speaks to me through other people most of the time. And interestingly, though not surprisingly, its usually just a gentle nudge from a friend, a suggestion, a conversation that inspires me and stands out to me. Recently, I think God has been asking me to think about simplicity. I am not sure yet how He will ask me to change things, or perhaps, He's just warning me against signing up for too many things and starting too many great ideas that I will never finish or follow through with...all very typical for me :) Either way, it has been on my radar and I am thinking about it, and how to accomplish it.

I plan to take one thing at a time, so for now, since we are pretty much finished up with school, I am going to focus on only the summer months. My plan this summer is to work on virtuous behavior with my kids by using some great virtue cards I bought from a web site called,  We have a prize chart that they can fill up with stars for practicing the virtues. Its a little like the sacrifice bead idea from I plan on not doing any of our music/sports/dance lessons, or work book type things this summer. I plan on going through our stuff and giving away everything that does not currently have a purpose for us. I plan on seeing friends and being outside as much as possible. Most importantly, I plan to make daily Mass a habit for us again. This school year, it was too difficult for me to keep that up, so we hardly ever went to Mass during the week. But now that we do not have a school schedule to keep up with, I think we will be able to make it to Mass a couple of times a week. Hopefully by the time school starts up again, it will have become a habit, and therefore much easier to incorporate into our days.

If you think about it, please pray for me and my family as we attempt these particular plans.
I would love to hear from you about what your summer plans are, and what you do to keep it simple!

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