Monday, May 26, 2014

Mary, our mother.

I just finished saying the novena to Mary, Undoer of Knots. I think it may be my favorite novena. I could practically see Mary taking the "knots" I handed to her, and begin working away at untangling them.  Mary is our Heavenly Mother. Aren't moms supposed to be really good at untangling our messes? Not so sure that's my forte as a mom, but it surely is Mary's. I have seen the grace from this novena already at work in my life. 

As I was praying the novena one day in my room, behind a locked door, I heard my 2 year old son call out to me. "Mama! Mama!" It wasn't a question. He knew exactly where I was. When I didn't answer, I heard his little feet pitter patter away. I kept on saying the prayers,when I heard his little feet come pitter pattering back. This time, he was trying to pick the lock. My first thought was, how did he learn that trick? Then I immediately went to him, and he joined me for prayer time. He was perfectly content in my lap, playing with the rosary beads, and kissing its small crucifix. Being wrapped in the security of his mother's arms, and brought before God (in prayer), he was at peace.  In that moment, I was reminded that 
this was an image of how we ought be with our Heavenly Mother. She desires to comfort us in her arms, and to bring us to her Son. She is the perfect example of motherhood, and the perfect mother to us all.

I struggle and fail often to be patient, tender, wise, gentle, lovingly firm, creative, energetic, and all the things we want to be for our kids. Through the wisdom of the Saints, priests, and friends, I have come to the realization that I do not have to be all of those things perfectly. I can not, because I am not perfect. I do not have what it takes. But God knew all that when He called me to this life of mothering 6 children. The saying goes, "God does not call the equipped. He equips the called".
In His perfect wisdom and mercy, God has given us the treasures of the Church: the sacraments, His mother, the Saints, and so much more. I am so grateful for these gifts and I feel a special connection to the Blessed Mother. Daily, I ask Mary to take my children into her care. I ask her to lead them to her Son, and I take great comfort in knowing that my children are being cared for and watched over by her, when they are with me, and when they are not.

1 comment:

  1. I love this novena too! It is so beautiful! I just started it on Saturday with a friend. :-)
