Monday, August 21, 2017

Looking forward to February 2018

On Sunday morning, the day of our 13th wedding anniversary, I took a pregnancy test that showed up VERY faintly positive!
I had taken one every day for a few days, and was pretty sure at that point that we were not pregnant, but thought, "wouldn't it be sweet if there WAS a little baby on the way, and we got to find out on our anniversary?!" So I took one last one, not even bothering to stare at it for the full 5 minutes like I usually do, because I knew I wasn't...then just before I threw it in the trash, I detected the lightest, faintest positive line I have ever seen, but lo and behold, it was there. I was shocked, excited, scared, anxious, but mostly, in awe of God's gift to us. An 8th child; a new member of our family; completely unique and individual, and a part of us.
I am juuust turning the corner now, at a few days over 15 weeks. Still having some bad days (like a few days ago when I literally laid on the couch all day feeling like death), but I think overall, more good than bad!
I haven't had any negative comments about this pregnancy...either I haven't told enough people yet, or by the time you get to #8 people figure you are a lost cause.
This pregnancy has been easier in a certain sense because there are several big kids now who are a significant help! Not just like, 'getting mama a diaper kind of help', but like doing dishes, cleaning bathrooms, being in charge of little ones, doing laundry, making food...that kind of help. Sometimes I wonder what they even need me for! Totally kidding!! There is still plenty I have to do, but things seem slower and less frantic over all; like the everyday work can be spread out a little more evenly. This is the first pregnancy that I have experienced this sort of help from my kids. It makes me wonder how I ever did this without big kids. All the mamas out there who have only are heroes in my eyes! I was there, and it was and is hard!! Not that its all easy now, and there is plenty that is harder...but some things are actually easier. I suppose you could say, it sort of evens out at a point, and maybe you trade in one difficulty for another, but thankfully, large family life doesn't seem to get exponentially more difficult. Yet. I am not too starry-eyed or naive to think that things are easy sailing from here on out, and I will probably be on here lamenting over the teenage years that are literally around the corner, but so far, the pre-teens have been a delight!
I love observing my family; something I have been doing more of lately. Its neat to get the chance to watch how it operates. Usually I don't see it because I am running it...but feeling kind of, all-the-time sick, and spending a great deal of time on the couch lately, I get to see things from a different point of view. I can see how each of my kids brings a unique dynamic to our family. They have different hobbies and  tastes in things; some enjoy cooking, others enjoy listening to music, or reading, or building, or playing with little ones, seems like there is stuff going on all the time, and it all kind of just happens. This shouldn't amaze me, but in a way it does as I think back to my earlier days of parenting when I used to frequently wonder how it was all supposed to work. Now I see. We all help each other; learn from each other; pray for each other; love each other.
Probably the most beautiful thing so far about this pregnancy has been seeing how genuinely excited all the kids already are over their new baby. They are talking about names and deciding that the best ones are the ones that sound the cutest when Josh says them. They are reminding me again and again of the wonderful gift and plan that God has for families...the multiplication of LOVE.
Each child that has been added to our family, has added to the richness of our lives. I am incredibly grateful for the gift of this new life, and we are all so excited to meet this new little person in February!