Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentines Day and some catching up...

OK. So...I am officially the worst blogger ever. Its been 6 months since my last post I think. "Better late than never", is my moto these days. So is, "That'll do", and "Oh well." Does that sum up my last 6 months for you?

Enough with the sarcasm already! In all seriousness, life is really, really good. Its a real kind of good, where daily life is not perfect, my house is never clean, and I always run short on time, but I love my family and they love me, and God is good, all the time.

Yesterday was Valentines day, and although we usually don't do much to celebrate it, the day turned out exceptionally lovely. We started the day off with getting up too late for early Mass, so we decided to do a nice family brunch then go to the later Mass. It was a relaxing morning; just what we all needed after a very full and busy weekend. At Mass, Peter and I, along with the other couples there, got to renew our wedding vows, which was really sweet and just like the first time, minus the gaggle of children hanging on our arms ;)

My mom generously came over after Mass to watch all of our kids so Peter and I could go out for the afternoon. I usually take Joshua with me everywhere, as he is only (already!?) 8 months old and still only nurses, but we decided to give it a try leaving him home since we were only planning to be out for a few hours. I think it has finally sunk in that I really don't have a newborn anymore :(

As much as I love having Joshua with me, it was really refreshing and fun to be out and about with just Peter. We went down town Ann Arbor and walked around the Art Museum, then went out for Chinese food, and then picked up a coffee on our way home. At home, we did some fun sled rides with the kids, and after putting kids to bed, watched a show together.
It was unexpectedly a perfect day and the perfect way to start the new week.

Thanks for reading! Here are a few pictures from the last 6 months...
Lorien this summer, 2015
Boys helping Papa
Cutest Cowboy ever
 oldest and youngest
Beautiful daughters, pretending to like each other ;)
Boys being their cute selves...always busy and always fun!
My crew on Halloween 2015
And dressed up again on All Saints Day!

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